• The True Value of Homeownership

    The True Value of Homeownership,Dana Ehrlich

    Buying and owning your home can make a big difference in your life by bringing you joy and a sense of belonging. And with June being National Homeownership Month, it’s the perfect time to think about all the benefits homeownership provides. Of course, there are financial reasons to buy a house, but it’s important to consider the non-financial benefits that make a home more than just where you live.Here are three ways owning your home can give you a sense of accomplishment, happiness, and pride. You May Feel Happier and More Fulfilled Owning a home is associated with better mental health and well-being. Gary Acosta, CEO and Co-Founder at the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), explains:“Studies have shown the emotional and psychological benefits that homeownership has on a person’s health and self-esteem . . .”Similarly, Habitat for Humanity says:“Residential stability among homeowners is related to improved life satisfaction, . . . along with better physical and mental health.”So, according to the experts, owning a home can improve your psychological wellness by making you feel happier and more accomplished.You Can Engage in Your Neighborhood and Grow Your Sense of CommunityYour home connects you to your community. Homeowners tend to stay in their homes longer than renters, and that can help you feel more connected to your community because you have more time to build meaningful relationships. And, as Acosta says, when people stay in the same area for a longer period of time, it can lead to them being more involved:“Homeowners also tend to be more active in their local communities . . .”After all, it makes sense that someone would want to help improve the area they’re going to be living in for a while.You Can Customize and Improve Your Living SpaceYour home is a place that’s all yours. When you own it, unless there are specific homeowner’s association requirements, you’re free to customize it however you see fit. Whether that’s small home improvements or full-on renovations, your house can be exactly what you want and need it to be. As your tastes and lifestyle change, so can your home. As Investopedia tells us:“One often-cited benefit of homeownership is the knowledge that you own your little corner of the world. You can customize your house, remodel, paint, and decorate without the need to get permission from a landlord.”Renting can limit your ability to personalize your living space, and even if you do make changes, you may have to undo them before your lease ends. The ability homeownership gives you to customize and improve where you live creates a greater sense of ownership, pride, and connection with your home.Bottom LineOwning your home can change your life in a way that gives you greater satisfaction and happiness. Connect with a local real estate professional today if you’re ready to explore homeownership and all it has to offer.

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  • Moving Now Can Give Your House Its Day in the Sun [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Moving Now Can Give Your House Its Day in the Sun [INFOGRAPHIC],Dana Ehrlich

    Some HighlightsIf you want to sell your house, consider doing it this summer. The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and it’s a great time for sellers.If your needs have changed, now’s the time to capitalize on the low inventory and multiple offers in today’s sellers’ market.Connect with a local real estate agent today if you’re ready to sell your house and move to a home that meets your changing needs.

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  • The Benefits of Selling Now, According to Experts

    The Benefits of Selling Now, According to Experts,Dana Ehrlich

    If you’re trying to decide if now’s the time to sell your house, here’s what you should know. The limited number of homes available right now gives you a big advantage. That’s because there are more buyers out there than there are homes for sale. And, with so few homes on the market, buyers will have fewer options, so you set yourself up to get the most eyes possible on your house.Here’s what industry experts are saying about why selling now has its benefits:Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR):“Inventory levels are still at historic lows. Consequently, multiple offers are returning on a good number of properties.”Selma Hepp, Chief Economist at CoreLogic:“We have not seen the traditional uptick in new listings from existing homeowners, so undersupply of housing will continue to heighten market competition and put pressure on prices in most regions. Some markets are already heating up considerably, but price premiums that we saw last spring and summer are unlikely.”Clare Trapasso, Executive News Editor at Realtor.com:“Well-priced, move-in ready homes with curb appeal in desirable areas are still receiving multiple offers and selling for over the asking price in many parts of the country . . .”Jeff Tucker, Senior Economist at Zillow:“. . . sellers who price and market their home competitively shouldn’t have a problem finding a buyer.”SBottom LineIf you’re thinking about selling your house, connect with a real estate advisor who can share the expert insights you need to make the best possible move today.

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  • Homeowners Have Incredible Equity To Leverage Right Now

    Homeowners Have Incredible Equity To Leverage Right Now,Dana Ehrlich

    Even though home prices have moderated over the last year, many homeowners still have an incredible amount of equity. But what is equity? In the simplest terms, equity is the difference between the market value of your home and the amount you owe on your mortgage. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) explains how your equity grows over time:“Housing wealth (home equity or net worth) gains are built up through price appreciation and by paying off the mortgage.”How Your Equity Can Help You Achieve Your GoalsThe equity you build up over the years can be used to your advantage when you sell your current house and buy your next home. If you no longer have the space you need, it might be time to move into a larger home. Or it’s possible you have too much space and need something smaller. No matter the situation, your equity can be a powerful tool you can use to help you make a move in today’s market. That’s because it may be some (if not all) of what you need for your down payment on your next home.And how much equity you have may surprise you. A recent survey from Realtor.com finds many homeowners today estimate they’ve built up a significant amount of equity:The latest data from CoreLogic helps solidify why homeowners are feeling so good about the equity they’ve likely gained over time. As Selma Hepp, Chief Economist for CoreLogic, says:“While equity gains contracted in late 2022 due to home price declines in some regions, U.S. homeowners on average still have about $270,000 in equity, nearly $90,000 more than they had at the onset of the pandemic.”How a Skilled Real Estate Agent Can HelpIf you’re looking to leverage your equity to boost your buying power in today’s market, having a trusted agent by your side makes a difference.A real estate professional can help you better understand the value of your home, so you’ll get a clearer picture of how much equity you likely have. As a recent article from Bankrate says:“Hiring a skilled real estate agent can give you a realistic estimate of home prices in your area and how to price your current home. Using that figure, you can calculate how much equity you have and what your net proceeds will look like, so you can apply that money toward the down payment and closing costs of your new home.” Having a solid understanding of your equity is key when it comes to making decisions about buying or selling your home. A skilled agent can help you navigate the often-complicated process of selling your house and ensure the transaction goes smoothly.SBottom LineToday, many homeowners are sitting on a substantial amount of equity, and you may be one of them. A real estate agent can help you estimate how much equity you have and plan how you can use it toward the purchase of your next home.

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  • The Best Time To Sell Your House Is When Others Aren’t Selling

    The Best Time To Sell Your House Is When Others Aren’t Selling,Dana Ehrlich

    If you’re thinking about selling your house, you should know the number of homes for sale right now is low. That’s because, this season, there are fewer sellers listing their houses for sale than the norm.Looking back at every April since 2017, the only year when fewer sellers listed their homes was in April 2020, when the pandemic hit and stalled the housing market (shown in red in the graph below). In more typical years, roughly 500,000 sellers add their homes to the market in April. This year, we saw fewer than 400,000 sellers entering the market in April (see graph below):While there are a number of factors contributing to this trend, one thing keeping inventory low right now is that some homeowners are reluctant to move when the mortgage rate they have on their current house is lower than the one they could get today on their next house. It’s called rate lock.As a recent survey from Realtor.com explains, 56% of people who are planning to sell in the next 12 months say they’re waiting for rates to come down.While this wait-and-see approach is right for some sellers, it also creates an opening for more eager sellers to jump in now.If your current house truly doesn’t fit your needs anymore and you’re ready to move, don’t miss this chance to stand out. When fewer sellers are putting their homes up for sale, buyers will have fewer options, so you set yourself up to get the most eyes possible on your house. That’s why your house could see multiple offers as buyers compete over the limited supply of homes for sale – especially if you price it right.As Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), says:“Inventory levels are still at historic lows . . . Consequently, multiple offers are returning on a good number of properties."SBottom LineIf you’re ready to sell now, beat the competition before it comes onto the market. If you do, your house should stand out and could get multiple offers. Partner with a real estate professional to get your house on the market.

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  • Reasons To Sell Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Reasons To Sell Your House Today [INFOGRAPHIC],Dana Ehrlich

    Some HighlightsNot sure if selling your house is the right move today? You should know there are a number of reasons it still makes sense to sell now.Your house will stand out because inventory is low. That’s why the number of offers on recently sold homes is on the rise. And most homeowners have a lot of equity that can fuel a move.If you’re thinking about selling your house, reach out to a local real estate expert to discuss if now may be the time to move.

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  • How Homeowners Win When They Downsize

    How Homeowners Win When They Downsize,Dana Ehrlich

    Downsizing has long been a popular option when homeowners reach retirement age. But there are plenty of other life changes that could make downsizing worthwhile. Homeowners who have experienced a change in their lives or no longer feel like their house fits their needs may benefit from downsizing too. U.S. News explains:“Downsizing is somewhat common among older people and retirees who no longer have children living at home. But these days, younger people are also looking to downsize to save money on housing . . .”And when inflation has made most things significantly more expensive, saving money where you can has a lot of appeal. So, if you’re thinking about ways to budget differently, it could be worthwhile to take your home into consideration.When you think about cutting down on your spending, odds are you think of frequent purchases, like groceries and other goods. But when you downsize your house, you often end up downsizing the bills that come with it, like your mortgage payment, energy costs, and maintenance requirements. Realtor.com shares:“A smaller home typically means lower bills and less upkeep. Then there’s the potential windfall that comes from selling your larger home and buying something smaller.”That windfall is thanks to your home equity. If you’ve been in your house for a while, odds are you’ve developed a considerable amount of equity. Your home equity is an asset you can use to help you buy a home that better suits your needs today.And when you’re ready to make a move, your team of real estate experts will be your guides through every step of the process. That includes setting the right price for your house when you sell, finding the best location and size for your next home, and understanding what you can afford at today’s mortgage rate.What This Means for YouIf you’re thinking about downsizing, ask yourself these questions:Do the original reasons I bought my current house still stand, or have my needs changed since then?Do I really need and want the space I have right now, or could somewhere smaller be a better fit?What are my housing expenses right now, and how much do I want to try to save by downsizing?Once you know the answers to these questions, meet with a real estate advisor to get an answer to this one: What are my options in the market right now? A local housing market professional can walk you through how much equity you have in your house and how it positions you to win when you downsize.SBottom LineIf you’re looking to save money, downsizing your home could be a great help toward your goal. Talk with a real estate agent about your goals in the housing market this year.

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  • Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move.

    Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move.,Dana Ehrlich

    Owning a home means having a place that’s solely your own and provides the space, features, and location you and your loved ones need. But what happens when your needs change? If this hits home for you, it may be time to make a move.According to the latest Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average person has lived in their current house for ten years. If you’ve been in your home for a while, think about how much in your life has changed since you moved in. Even if you thought it would be your forever home when you bought it, it doesn’t have to be. Work with a local real estate agent to explore all your options in today’s market before settling for your current home.That’s actually what a lot of homeowners are doing right now. A recent survey from Realtor.com finds that, of people who are considering selling in 2023, one in three are thinking about moving because their home no longer meets their needs. And according to the same report from NAR, that’s consistent with this year’s top reasons for selling, which include:Want to move closer to friends or familyMoving due to retirementHome is too small or too largeChange in family situationJob relocationIf things in your life have changed, it may be time to make a move. And there’s good news: it’s still a great time to sell. Here’s why.We’re in a strong sellers’ market. That means homes listed at market value and in good condition are getting attention from buyers and selling quickly. Lean on your expert real estate advisor for the best advice on getting your house ready to sell.Your equity can power your next move. There’s a good chance you have a significant amount of equity right now thanks to record levels of price appreciation in recent years. When you sell, you can use that equity to help afford your next home. In fact, NAR’s report from above shows 38% of recent buyers used the money from the sale of their previous home to cover the down payment on their next one. Work with a local real estate agent to learn how much equity you have and what you can do with it in today’s housing market.SBottom LineIf your home no longer meets your needs, consider selling it so you can find your dream home. Work with a real estate professional so you can learn about your options.

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  • Home Inspections for Sellers: What You Need To Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Home Inspections for Sellers: What You Need To Know [INFOGRAPHIC],Dana Ehrlich
  • Want To Sell Your House This Spring? Price It Right.

    Want To Sell Your House This Spring? Price It Right.,Dana Ehrlich

    Over the last year, the housing market’s gone through significant change. While it’s still a sellers’ market, homes that are priced right are selling, and they get the most attention from buyers right now. If you’re thinking of selling your house this spring, it’s important to lean on your expert real estate advisor when it comes to setting a list price. As Realtor.com explains:“Move-in-ready homes with curb appeal and in desirable areas—and that are priced to sell—are especially likely to move quickly this spring.”In today’s market, how you price your house will not only make a big difference to your bottom line, but to how quickly your house will sell.Why Pricing Your House Right MattersYour asking price sends a message to potential buyers, especially today. If it’s priced too low, you may leave money on the table or discourage buyers who may see a lower-than-expected price tag and wonder if that means something is wrong with the home.If it’s priced too high, you run the risk of deterring buyers. When that happens, you may have to lower the price to drive interest when your house sits on the market for a while. But be aware that a price drop can be seen as a red flag by some buyers who will wonder what it means about the home.To avoid either headache, price it right from the start. A real estate professional knows how to determine the ideal asking price. They balance the value of homes in your neighborhood, current market trends, buyer demand, the condition of your house, and more to find the right price. This helps lead to stronger offers and a greater likelihood your house will sell quickly.The visual below helps summarize the impact your asking price can have:

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  • The Big Advantage If You Sell This Spring

    The Big Advantage If You Sell This Spring,Dana Ehrlich

    Thinking about selling your house? If you’ve been waiting for the right time, it could be now while the supply of homes for sale is so low. HousingWire shares:“. . . the big question is whether we are finally starting to see the seasonal spring increase in inventory. The answer is no, because active listings fell to a new low last week for 2023 . . .”The National Association of Realtors (NAR) confirms today’s housing inventory is low by looking at the months’ supply of homes on the market. In a balanced market, about a six-month supply is needed. Anything lower is a sellers’ market. And today, the number is much lower:“Total housing inventory registered at the end of February was 980,000 units, identical to January and up 15.3% from one year ago (850,000). Unsold inventory sits at a 2.6-month supply at the current sales pace, down 10.3% from January but up from 1.7 months in February 2022.”Why Does Low Inventory Make It a Good Time To Sell?The less inventory there is on the market when you sell, the less competition you’re likely to face from other sellers. That means your house will get more attention from the buyers looking for a home this spring. And since there are significantly more buyers in the market than there are homes for sale, you could even receive more than one offer on your house. Multiple offers are on the rise again (see graph below):  If you get more than one offer on your house, it becomes a bidding war between buyers – and that means you have greater leverage to sell on your terms. But if you want to maximize the opportunity for a bidding war to spark, be sure to lean on your expert real estate advisor. While we’re still in a strong sellers’ market, it isn’t the frenzy we saw a couple of years ago, and today’s buyers are focused on the houses with the greatest appeal. Clare Trapasso, Executive News Editor at Realtor.com, explains:"Well-priced, move-in ready homes with curb appeal in desirable areas are still receiving multiple offers and selling for over the asking price in many parts of the country. So, this spring, it's especially important for sellers to make their homes as attractive as possible to appeal to as many buyers as possible.”

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  • Two Reasons You Should Sell Your House

    Two Reasons You Should Sell Your House,Dana Ehrlich

    Wondering if you should sell your house this year? As you make your decision, think about what’s motivating you to consider moving. A recent survey from realtor.com asked why homeowners are thinking about selling their houses this year. Here are the top two reasons (see graphic below):Let’s break those reasons down and explore how they might resonate with you.1. I Want To Take Advantage of the Current Market and Make a ProfitWhen you decide to sell your house, how much you’ll make from the sale will likely be top of mind. So, here’s some good news: according to the latest data, the average seller can expect a strong return on their investment when they make a move. ATTOM explains: “The $112,000 profit on median-priced home sales in 2022 represented a 51.4% return on investment compared to the original purchase price, up from 44.6% last year and from 32.8% in 2020.”Even though home prices have declined slightly in some markets, they’re still much higher overall than they were just a few years ago. To understand what’s happening with home prices in your area and the current value of your house, work with a local real estate professional. They can give you the best advice on how much you could gain if you sell this year.2. My Home No Longer Meets My NeedsThe average person has been in their house for ten years. That’s a long time when you think about how much may have changed in your life since you moved in. And typically, those changes have a direct impact on what you need in a home. Whether it’s more (or less) space, different features, or a location closer to your work or loved ones, your current house may no longer check all the boxes of what feels like home to you. If that’s the case, it could be time to work with a real estate agent to find a better fit.

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  • Facts About Closing Costs [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Facts About Closing Costs [INFOGRAPHIC],Dana Ehrlich
  • We’re in a Sellers’ Market. What Does That Mean?

    We’re in a Sellers’ Market. What Does That Mean?,Dana Ehrlich

    Even though activity in the housing market has slowed from the frenzy we saw over a year ago, today’s low supply of homes for sale is still a sellers’ market. But what does that really mean? And why are conditions today so good if you want to list your house?It starts with the number of homes available for sale. The latest Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows housing supply is still astonishingly low. Today, we have a 2.6-month supply of homes at the current sales pace. Historically, a 6-month supply is necessary for a ‘normal’ or ‘neutral’ market in which there are enough homes available for active buyers (see graph below):What Does This Mean for You?When the supply of homes for sale is as low as it is right now, it’s much harder for buyers to find one to purchase. That creates increased competition among purchasers and keeps upward pressure on prices. And if buyers know they’re not the only one interested in a home, they’re going to do their best to submit a very attractive offer. As this happens, sellers are positioned to negotiate deals that meet their ideal terms. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR, says:“Inventory levels are still at historic lows. Consequently, multiple offers are returning on a good number of properties.”Right now, there are still buyers who are ready, willing, and able to purchase a home. If you list your house right now in good condition and at the right price, it could get a lot of attention from competitive buyers.

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  • 4 Key Tips for Selling Your House This Spring

    4 Key Tips for Selling Your House This Spring,Dana Ehrlich

    Spring has arrived, and that means more and more people are getting their homes ready to sell. But with recent shifts in real estate, this year’s spring housing market will be different from the frenzy of the past several years. To sell your house quickly, without hassles, and for the most money, be sure to follow these four simple tips:1. Make Sure You Give Buyers AccessOne of the biggest mistakes you can make as a seller is limiting the days and times when buyers have access to view your home. In any market, if you want to maximize the sale of your house, you can’t limit potential buyers’ access to view it. If it’s not accessible, it could cost you by sitting on the market longer and ultimately selling for a lower price.2. Make Your Home Look as Good as Possible on the InsideFor anything to sell, especially your home, it must look inviting. Your real estate agent can give you expert advice on ideal staging for your home. Even updating a room with fresh paint, steam cleaning carpets, or removing clutter from the garage can make a big impact.3. First Impressions MatterThe old saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” matters when selling your house. Often, the first impression a buyer gets is what they see as they walk up to the front door. Putting in the work in on the exterior of your home is just as important as what you stage inside. Freshen up your landscaping to improve your home’s curb appeal so you can make an impact with potential buyers.4. Price It RightThis is probably the most important aspect of selling your home in today’s real estate market. If a house is priced competitively, it’s going to sell. Period. To do this, you have to know what’s happening with home prices in your area and understand the factors that are affecting the market right now. That’s why it’s best to work with a trusted real estate professional who can ensure you list your house at the right price.

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  • Get Ready: The Best Time To List Your House Is Almost Here

    Get Ready: The Best Time To List Your House Is Almost Here,Dana Ehrlich

    If you’re thinking about selling this spring, it’s time to get moving – the best week to list your house is fast approaching.Experts at realtor.com looked at seasonal trends from recent years (excluding 2020 as an uncharacteristic year due to the onset of the pandemic) and determined the ideal week to list a house this year:“Home sellers on the fence waiting for that perfect moment to sell should start preparations, because the best time to list a home in 2023 is approaching quickly. The week of April 16-22 is expected to have the ideal balance of housing market conditions that favor home sellers, more so than any other week in the year.”If you’ve been waiting for the best time to sell, this is your chance. But remember, before you put your house on the market, you’ve got to get it ready. And if you haven’t started that process yet, you’ll need to move quickly. Here’s what you should keep in mind.Work with an Agent To Determine Which Updates To MakeStart by prioritizing which updates you’ll make. In February, realtor.com asked more than 1,200 recent or potential home sellers what updates they ended up making to their house before listing it (see graph below): As you can see, the most common answers included landscaping and painting. Work with a trusted real estate agent to determine what projects make the most sense for your goals and local market.If Possible, Plan To Have Your House StagedOnce you’ve made any necessary repairs and updates to your house, consider having it staged. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 82% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. Additionally, almost half of buyers’ agents said home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home in general. Homes that are staged typically sell faster and for a higher price because they help potential buyers more easily picture their new life in the house.

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  • Have You Thought About Why You Might Want To Sell Your House? [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Have You Thought About Why You Might Want To Sell Your House? [INFOGRAPHIC],Dana Ehrlich
  • The Role of Access in Selling Your House

    The Role of Access in Selling Your House,Dana Ehrlich

    Once you’ve made the decision to sell your house and have hired a real estate agent to help, they’ll ask how much access to your home you want to give potential buyers. Your answer matters more now than it did in recent years. Here’s why.At the height of the buying frenzy seen during the pandemic, there was a rise in the number of homebuyers who put offers on houses sight unseen. That happened for three reasons:Extremely low housing inventoryA lot of competition from other buyers wanting to take advantage of historically low mortgage ratesAnd general wariness of in-person home tours during a pandemicToday, the market’s changing, and buyers can usually be more selective and take more time to explore their options.So, in order to show your house and sell it efficiently, you’ll want to provide buyers with as much access as you can. Before letting your agent know what works for you, consider these five levels of access you can provide. They’re ordered from most convenient for a buyer to least convenient. Remember, your agent will be better able to sell your house if you provide as much access to buyers as possible.Lockbox on the Door – This allows buyers the ability to see the home as soon as they are aware of the listing or at their convenience.Providing a Key to the Home – This would require an agent to stop by an office to pick up the key, which is still pretty convenient for a buyer.Open Access with a Phone Call – This means you allow a showing with just a phone call’s notice.By Appointment Only – For example, you might want your agent to set up a showing at a particular time and give you advance notice. That way you can prepare the house and be sure you have somewhere else you can go in the meantime.Limited Access – This might mean you’re only willing to have your house available on certain days or at certain times of day. In general, this is the most difficult and least flexible way to show your house to potential buyers.As today’s housing market changes, be sure to work with your local agent to give buyers as much access as you can to your house when you sell.

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  • Leverage Your Equity When You Sell Your House

    Leverage Your Equity When You Sell Your House,Dana Ehrlich

    One of the benefits of being a homeowner is that you build equity over time. By selling your house, that equity can be used toward purchasing your next home. But before you can put it to use, you should understand exactly what equity is and how it grows. Bankrate explains it like this:“Home equity is the portion of your home you’ve paid off – in other words, your stake in the property as opposed to the lender’s. In practical terms, home equity is the appraised value of your home minus any outstanding mortgage and loan balances.”Majority of Americans Have a Large Amount of EquityIf you’ve owned your home for a while, you’ve likely built up some equity – and you may not even realize how much. Based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and ATTOM, the majority of Americans have a substantial amount of equity right now (see graph below):And having such large amounts of equity is a benefit to homeowners in more ways than one. Rick Sharga, Executive Vice President of Market Intelligence at ATTOM, explains:“Record levels of home equity provide security for millions of families, and minimize the chance of another housing market crash like the one we saw in 2008.”Over time, your home equity grows. In addition to providing financial stability while you own your house, when you’re ready to sell it, that money could go a long way toward paying for your next home. 

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  • 2 Things Sellers Need To Know This Spring

    2 Things Sellers Need To Know This Spring,Dana Ehrlich

    A lot has changed over the past year, and you might be wondering what’s in store for the spring housing market. If you’re planning to sell your house this season, here’s what real estate experts are saying you should keep in mind.1. Houses That Are Priced Right Are Still SellingHouses that are updated and priced at their current market value are still selling. Jeff Tucker, Senior Economist at Zillow, says:“. . . sellers who price and market their home competitively shouldn’t have a problem finding a buyer.”The need to price your house right is so important today because the market has changed so much over the past year. Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at realtor.com, explains:“With a smaller pool of buyers today and more competition from other homes on the market, homesellers will likely need to adjust their price expectations in the market this spring.”While this spring housing market is different than last year’s, sellers with proper expectations who lean on a real estate expert for the best advice on pricing their house well are still finding success. And that’s great news if you’re thinking about selling.2. Buyers Are Still Out ThereAs mortgage rates have risen and remain volatile, some buyers have pressed pause on their plans. But there are still plenty of reasons people are buying homes today. Lisa Sturtevant, Chief Economist at Bright MLS, spells out the mindset of today’s buyers:“For some buyers, higher mortgage rates simply means buying a home is out of the question unless home prices fall. For others, higher mortgage rates will be a hurdle but ultimately will not keep them from getting back into the market after sitting on the sidelines for months.”That’s why, if you’re interested in selling your house this spring, it’s helpful to work with a real estate agent who can help connect you with those buyers who are ready to purchase a home.

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